Beavers in Poland
In his third bulletin on mammals in Biebrza National Park, Artur Wiatr, Honeyguide’s leader in Poland, writes about beavers. Photos by Piotr Dombrowski.

"Beavers have a high sense and knowledge of water engineering, reflected in building dams, creating ponds, building lodges and digging corridors and chambers in the ground. Doing this process, beavers improve local environmental conditions for other animals yet sometimes may be in conflict with what man would not like to see, such as flooded meadows or broken trees.

"The beaver is rather a shy creature with a nocturnal life style. Of course
you can see them once in a while over a long period. Again, winter seems to be a
good moment to watch them. In warmer days when ice starts to get melted you can
see beavers enjoying themselves on the ice eating fresh willow branches and
doing their ‘manicure and pedicure’. "