new sites for Honeyguide days out today, the first thanks to our guide for the
morning, former Southrepps resident Helen Crowder. For an August morning it was
decidedly chilly, in case anyone reading this blog wonders why there is no
mention of invertebrates this morning.
Angelica, Southrepps Common. |
a wet site, it couldn’t be easier, as a boardwalk runs right through Southrepps
Common, now a nature reserve managed by Norfolk Wildlife Trust. The first stretch
was dominated by reed, though with many fine umbels of angelica by the boardwalk.
The floristically rich area was a little farther along, where it was more open and, on the far
side, recently cut as part of the site’s management. We found lots of marsh lousewort,
also called red rattle, sometimes alongside yellow rattle, the latter in flower
and in seed, the two rattles a combination you don’t often see. There were dozens of spikes of marsh
helleborines, seed heads this late in the year, plus eyebright. |
Eyebright. |
Marsh helleborine, in seed (Jillian Macready). |
Marsh lousewort (Jillian Macready).
was a good reason for the timing of the visit: it was perfect for seeing the gorgeous
grass-of-Parnassus, which is scarce and local in the southern half of England,
albeit more widespread farther north. These were both in flower and in bud, and
with distinctive leaves wrapped around their stems. Though once classified with
saxifrages they are now on their own, taxonomically. The reason for the name,
most sources say, is that cattle on Mount Parnassus liked them so much that
they count as an honorary grass. |
Grass-of-Parnassus. |
Southrepps Common. |
the common, Helen led us through a woodland of Scots pine, sweet chestnut and bracken.
This brought us to an attractive property with various bird boxes and a lovely
garden, and a large open outbuilding which where a dozen or so swallows were
perching, mostly over a tarpaulin presumably carefully placed to keep their droppings
away from a vehicle. Sheep here were the breed Kerry Hill, Helen says. Then alongside the path there was a long strip sown with an
arable wild flower mix: corn marigold, cornflower, musk mallow, haresfoot
clover, wild carrot and seedheads of corn cockle. Three of us stopped to look at a moth on ivy: straw dot was the conclusion.
Arable wild flower mix. |
Straw dot moth ((Jillian Macready) |
continued through farmland, with pigs on our right and wheat on our left. Among
the pigs were gulls, rooks, jackdaws and red-legged partridges. By the wheat
was a selection of unsown flowers that like arable land: heartsease, scarlet
pimpernel, bugloss, redshank and others. Back where we’d parked, we took a few
steps back to see a great spotted woodpecker on a dead tree.
and Cheryl led a careful convoy to the car park for our afternoon walk at
Pigneys Wood. At last we had some sunshine, ideal for eating picnic lunches and
bringing out some butterflies including a speckled wood in the car park and a painted
lady on a buddleia near the information board. We looked at yellowy-green galls on alder leaves, caused by a mite Acalitus brevitarus.
Small tortoiseshell, Pigney's Wood (Jillian Macready). |
wood itself was planted by the North Norfolk Community Woodland Trust,
entrusted to Norfolk Wildlife Trust to manage in 2017. Inevitably the new
woodland isn’t the most interesting for wildlife, though wet areas, a small heathland
and meadows make it all an attractive mosaic. We walked along a wide ride,
though a short stretch of wood and meadow and emerged into an open area. Here a
southern hawker was hunting, stopping to perch and hang vertically in their
characteristic style. With a little patient observation, we realised there was
both a male and a female southern hawker doing this. |
Southern hawker, male (Jillian Macready). |
hawkers, their amber wings obvious in flight, and a migrant hawker added to the
mix, as did common darters. In this meadow area we mostly looked at wild flower
ID, such as common hemp-nettle and the difference between a trio of peas, greater
birdsfoot trefoil, meadow vetchling and tufted vetch. We were soon alongside a
vegetated stretch of the North Walsham & Dilham Canal, with reedmace,
branched bur-reed, water chickweed and water forget-me-not just a few of the
wetland species noted. On the dry edge we looked at black medick and hop trefoil.
A great spotted woodpecker settled on a dead tree. As we turned away from the
canal, we passed a pond thick with water soldier where we paused to admire a
ruddy darter and the white bells of greater bindweed, completing a set of three
bindweed species today. |
Dark bush cricket, female (Jillian Macready). |
wiggled through a dark and damp stretch of old hazel coppice and headed up a gentle
slope. Here we found a dark bush-cricket on some stinging nettles. Jillian
photographed and a harvestman: a tentative ID is noted – any better ideas?
Harvestman, Pigneys Wood (Jillian Macready). Tentative ID: Leiobunum rotundum (e.g. here). |
route led to a small patch of heathland creation, with heather and bell heather.
Ann was identifying various bees, mostly red-tailed and common carder bees. Jillian’s interest and growing expertise in
hoverflies is shown in the photos below. |
Long hoverfly Sphaerophoria scripta on heather (Jillian Macready). |
Marmalade hoverfly Eipsyrphus balteaus (Jillian Macready). |
very low-growing gorse was in flower and a careful sniff revealed a lack of almond
scent, suggesting it was western gorse, also found on other east Norfolk heaths.
Narrower flowers and a ‘harder’ yellow colour add weight to this ID. By now the
warmth had brought out lots of gatekeeper butterflies.
Western gorse in the heathland creation at Pigneys Wood. |
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